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Commercial Laundry

Do you pay your employees to do your business' laundry? Or worse, do you do it yourself?
Don't waste employee time and maintenance costs on a washer and dryer. Use Winterhaven Laundrette's commercial laundry service and we will do your laundry for you.

We will pick up your laundry and wash it in our industrial machines. We will wash, dry and
fold your items according to your preferences and get them back to you the very next day. We
will work with your schedule so that you always have clean laundry when you need it.

Our commercial laundry service will work with whatever industry your business is in.

  • Medical Facilities
  • Vacation Rentals
  • Hotels & Motels
  • Gyms
  • Athletic Teams
  • Restaurants
  • Bars
  • Colleges

Are you not on the list? That's ok, we will wash whatever you throw at us.

The laundry service cost depends on how much laundry you generate, how often you require
our service, and what type of laundry it is. Call for a bid: (520) 367-4583 or email:

Commercial Laundry Service for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living

Nursing homes and assisted living facilities require doing laundry like sheets and blankets, as
well as patient's personal items. That laundry is bound to pile up. Let us help. Our medical
laundry service will launder everything that you need.

Commercial Laundry Service for Salons and Spas

Salons and spas are known for their fluffy towels. Don't disappoint your customers by using
worn out, stained towels. When you use our towel cleaning service we take extra care to get
out tough stains like massage oils and nail polish. We will return your towels to you, clean and
smelling fresh.

Commercial Laundry Service for Airbnbs, VRBO and other Vacation Rentals

When you run a vacation rental you are always doing laundry. You have to wash everything
between each guest. Let us take care of your laundry for you. Our linen cleaning service will
wash your towels, sheets, blankets, area rugs, and more. We have large machines to wash
even the bulkiest comforters.

Commercial Laundry Service for Restaurants and Bars

Bars and restaurants serve food and drinks so spills and stains are inevitable. Make sure that
all of your linens are cleaned properly so that your establishment looks as neat and clean as
possible. Our restaurant laundry service will launder your tablecloths, linen napkins, aprons,
uniforms and more.

Commercial Laundry Service for Tattoo Parlors

Just like most businesses, tattoo parlors have hygiene standards that they must meet to stay
in business. This includes always having clean items when they are doing their work. We can
help you maintain those standards by washing your chair covers, towels, gloves, even mop
heads. Let us help you keep a clean shop.